Java Runtime Environment 6.0 Update 21

Java Runtime Environment (JRE) - исполнительная среда созданная Sun Microsystems позволяющая запускать и использовать приложения написанные на языке программирования Java. Состоит из виртуальной машины - Java Virtual Machine и библиотеки Java-классов.

На языке Java написано множество программ и игр, особенно тех, для которых важна мобильность. Некоторые веб-страницы также используют Java. Одним из преимуществ языка Java является его кроссплатформенность, то есть приложения написанные на этом языке можно использовать на разных операционных системах где установлен Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
Key features:
- Write software on one platform and run it on practically any other platform
- Create programs to run within a web browser and web services
- Develop server-side applications for online forums, stores, polls, HTML forms processing, and more
- Combine Java technology-based applications or services to create highly customized applications or services
- Write powerful and efficient applications for mobile phones, remote processors, low-cost consumer products, and practically any device with a digital heartbeat

What's New in This Release:
The full internal version number for this update release is 1.6.0_21-b06 (where "b" means "build"). The external version number is 6u21.
OlsonData 2010i:
- Java SE 6u21 contains Olson time zone data version 2010i.
Additional Supported System Configurations:
For Java SE 6u21, support has been added for the following system configurations:
- Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.5
- Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.4
- Oracle Enterprise Linux 4.8
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4
- Oracle VM
- Google Chrome 4.0
Support for Customized Loading Progress Indicators:
- With Java SE 6u21, you can now enhance the loading experience of an application by providing a customized loading progress indicator (sometimes referred to as a progress bar) to better inform the end user of how much of the application has been downloaded during startup.
Java Hotspot VM 17.0:
- Java SE 6u21 includes version 17.0 of the Java HotSpot Virtual Machine with improvements to overall quality and features such as compressed object pointers, escape analysis-based optimization, code cache management, the Concurrent Mark-Sweep garbage collector and its successor, the Garbage First (G1) garbage collector.
Java VisualVM :
Java VisualVM based on VisualVM 1.2.2 is included in Java SE 6u21. This release introduces the following features and enhancements:
- HeapWalker performance improvements
- VisualVM-Sampler performance improvements
- BTrace4VisualVM plugin introduces BTrace 1.1
- Profiling engine bugfixes
- Built on NetBeans Platform 6.8
Security Exception Upon Drag-and-Drop:
- Drag-and-drop would, under certain circumstances, result in a null value being passed instead of the expected data.
- Java SE 6u21 provides a fix that lets drag-and-drop operations succeed for signed applications or applications with the accessClipboard permission granted.
Bug Fixes:
- Java SE 6 Update 21 does not contain any additional fixes for security vulnerabilities to its previous release, Java SE 6 Update 20. Users who have Java SE 6 Update 20 have the latest security fixes and do not need to upgrade to this release to be current on security fixes.
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