Avira AntiVir Personal

Avira AntiVir Personal - антивирусная программа. Определяет и удаляет вирусы и трояны, в том числе и еще неизвестные макровирусы, есть возможность постоянного мониторинга системы. AntiVir Personal бесплатна для "домашнего", т.е. индивидуального и некоммерческого, использования. Программа может работать как на 32-, так и на 64-битных системах.

Avira AntiVir Personal gives you the following functions:
• Control Center for monitoring, administering and controlling the entire program
• Central configuration with user-friendly standard and advanced options and context-sensitive help
• Scanner (On-Demand Scan) with profile-controlled and configurable search for all known types of virus and malware
• Integration into the Windows Vista User Account Control allows you to carry out tasks requiring administrator rights
• Guard (On-Access Scan) for continuous monitoring of all file access attempts
• Integrated quarantine management to isolate and process suspicious files
• Rootkit protection for detecting hidden malware installed in your computer system (rootkits)(Only for 32-bit systems)
• Direct access to detailed information on the detected viruses and malware via the Internet
• Simple and quick updates to the program, virus definitions, and search engine through Single File Update and incremental VDF updates via a webserver on the Internet
• Integrated Scheduler to plan one-off or recurring tasks, such as updates or test runs
• Very high rates of virus and malware detection using innovative search technologies (search engines) and heuristic search processes
• Detection of all common archive types, including detection of nested archives and smart extensions
• High-performance multithreading function (simultaneous high-speed scanning of multiple files)
Скачать Avira AntiVir Personal (21,27 МБ):
mod 15/04/08 Просмотров: 3161
тут работа так же реализована, как и в предыдущей версии
тоесть запускается несколько процессов и каждый работает отдельно? в прошлой вроде процесса 3-4 запускалось :(