ClamAV/SOSDG 0.93.1

ClamAV/SOSDG (она же ClamAV) - антивирусная программа, распространяемая по лицензии GPL ("свободное ПО", а проще говоря, совершенно бесплатная программа с открытыми исходниками). Поддерживает проверку не только файлов, но и архивов RAR, ZIP, GZIP и BZIP2. Работает в виде сканера "по запросу"...
ClamAV is an open source antivirus solution that features a command line interface for scanning files, updating the virus definitions, and a daemon for faster scanning needed on high performance systems.
Unlike most antivirus products, ClamAV requires no yearly subscription fee, and is completely free with source code to anyone who wishes to use it. Because it is released under the GPL v2 license, you must follow all license requirements if you modify the ClamAV source code, or use it in your own projects.
Wed Apr 16 20:10:17 CEST 2008 (tk)
V 0.93.1
- libclamav: integrate the DLP code from Marty Roesch
- clamscan: new switch --detect-structured
- TODO: clamd, docs, dconf, fine-tuning options
- configure: check for bzip2 CVE-2008-1372 - bb#903
- test: add clam-fsg.exe (bb#902)
- libclamav/iana_tld.h, libclamav/phishcheck.c: update TLD list (bb #925)
- ibclamunrar: bb#541 (RAR - Version required to extract - Evasion)
- ibclamav/spin.c: bb#876 (PeSpin Heap Overflow Vulnerability)
- ibclamav/pe.c: bb#878 (Upack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability)
- ibclamav/message.c: bb#881 (message.c: read beyond allocated region)
- ibclamav/unarj.c: bb#897 (ARJ: Sample from CERT-FI hangs clamav)
- ibclamunrar: bb#898 (RAR crashes on some fuzzed files from CERT-FI)
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