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Reach-a-Mail Pro 3.4 RUS

Reach-a-Mail - портативный почтовый клиент для USB. Вы можете использовать программу в Интернет-кафе или на любом другом публичном компьютере, не беспокоясь о конфиденциальности своей почты. Программа поддерживает 10 языков и кодировок, отображение писем в plain text и html, графику, смайлики.

При первом запуске программа считывает с Вашего компютера настройки почтовых ящиков, импортирует их и далее Вы можете использовать ее с любого другого компьютера. Где бы Вы ни находились, Ваша почта всегда будет с Вами!

Are you spending a lot of time away from your computer? Wish you had access to all your email accounts while traveling? Need to have your letters and address book with you, but don't want to carry a notebook? Reach-a-Mail gives the right answer!

While you are traveling, it is very important to have access to current and prior email correspondence, as well as your address book. Many email services have access to free Web mail. But what if your email provider does not have Web mail? Or what if you are traveling to a destination where Internet connectivity is just not up to the task of coping with the colorful but bulky pages that you need to open just to check if there's a new message? What if you just want to see if there's something new in your mailbox, and reply to just the important stuff? Finally, what would you do if you had more than one email account, for example, one from work and one of your own, and need to check them all?

Reach-a-Mail is just the right tool for you! It installs easily on a light and compact USB flash memory stick, allowing you to store your address book and any important correspondence you might need for your day-to-day tasks on this portable stick. While on the go, you just plug the stick into a Windows PC and have immediate access to your email and address book with no installation required.

What is difference between Reach-a-Mail and Reach-a-Mail Professional?

The new Reach-a-Mail Pro has a better functionality and speed:
1. No more annoying ads in every letter attached to your message.
2. RSS reading available.
3. New features will be available in a Professional version only. Stay tuned!


Скачать Reach-a-Mail Pro 3.4 (4.21 МБ):

karabasovsky 20/05/08 Просмотров: 2810
klarus 20 декабря 2009, 18:28:01
Reach-a-Mail Pro 3.4 RUS

Там нет и никогда не было RUS! Клиент для флешки очень неплох!

MazayK 20 декабря 2009, 18:43:14
Reach-a-Mail Pro 3.4 RUS

Klarus, куда ж ты смотришь. Там всё на твоём русском.