OriginPro 9.0 SR2

OriginPro - мощный и полнофункциональный научный пакет для анализа данных. OriginPro представляет собой универсальное средство обработки математических и статистических функций, построения графиков этих функций, а также инструмент разработки узкоспециализированных математических программ и средств визуализации графических данных. Origin может составлять конкуренцию таким известным программным пакетам, как MathCAD и Mathematica. Считается стандартом де-факто во многих научных лабораториях. Интеграция с системами сбора данных таких как LabView, DasyLab, LabWindows. Совместимость с MathLab, MathCad. Кто занимается анализом тот знает что это за пакет. Для остальных это полная замена Excel, по функциональности и удобству.

Peak Fitting
The Peak Analyzer tool in OriginPro provides the additional capability of finding and fitting multiple peaks in your spectra. Baseline anchor points can be customized and fit with a suitable fitting function, and the baseline fitting can be included as part of the final peak fitting process. A detailed Fit Control dialog is provided to control all aspects of peak fitting including mixed peak functions, peak centers and widths, sharing parameters, and imposing bounds and linear constraints on parameters. Graphical as well as tabular results are generated as part of the final fit report.
Surface Fitting
OriginPro can fit a 3D surface to XYZ data points. The surface and data points can be displayed together, including droplines from the points to the surface.
OriginPro expands on the statistical analysis capabilities of Origin by providing additional tools for Descriptive Statistics, Discrete Frequency Counting, Normality Tests, Correlation Analysis, One-way and Two-way Repeated Measures ANOVA, Principal Component Analysis, Hierarchical Cluster and Discriminant Analysis, many Nonparametric Tests such as Friedman ANOVA and Two-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test and Mann-Whitney Test, Survival Analysis tools including Weibull Fit and Cox Proportional Hazard Model, ROC Curves, and Power and Sample Size Tests.
Signal Processing
Advanced signal processing features in OriginPro include Short-Time FFT (STFT), Hilbert Transform, Coherence, 2D FFT and 2D FFT-based Filtering, 2D Correlation, and Wavelet analysis.
Gadgets provide a quick and easy way to perform exploratory analysis on data plotted in a graph. OriginPro provides two additional gadgets: Cluster and Rise Time.
Image Processing
OriginPro offers more ways to handle your image data, including alpha blending, pixel logic, morphological filtering, and interpolated background subtraction.

ОС: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
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