Portable ESF Database Convert v5.9.39

ESF Database Convert позволяет быстро преобразовывать данные между различными форматами баз данных. Программа может подключаться напрямую к MySQL, SQL Server, Access, Excel, Paradox, Lotus, dBase, Text и другим форматам и производить произвольные преобразования между этими форматами.
Программа содержит простой пошаговый мастер, который позволяет подключится к выбранной базе данных, выбрать таблицы и затем преобразовать и скопировать их в другую БД. Можно выбрать скопировать все данные или только структуру базы данных.
A powerful toolkit enables you to do data conversion across various database management platforms! Advanced converting mechanisms of this toolkit provides smooth conversion directly to/from any of the following database management platforms: Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Visual Foxpro, SQLite, FireBird, InterBase, Access, Excel, Paradox, Lotus, dBase, CVS/Text and converting any ODBC DSN to these database management platforms.It means you can directly converting: Access to MySQL, MySQL to PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL to SQL Server, SQL Server to Excel, Excel to Oracle, Oracle to Firebird, Firebird to SQLite, SQLite to Access and so on. There are more than 256 conversion methods in this toolkit!
Program Features
- POWERFUL. More than 256 conversion methods in one software. i.e:
- From/ to Oracle Conversion
- From/ to SQL Server Conversion
- From/ to MySQL Conversion
- From/ to PostgreSQL Conversion
- From/ to Access 2000/2007 Conversion
- From/ to Excel 2000/2007 Conversion
- From/to Visual Foxpro Conversion
- From/to SQLite Conversion
- From/ to FireBird Conversion
- From/ to InterBase Conversion
- From/ to Paradox 3.x/4.x/5.x Conversion
- From/ to Lotus WK1/WK3/WK4 Conversion
- From/ to CSV/Text File/MailBox/Html Conversion
- Converts from any ODBC DSN
- SIMPLY. This software runs in step-by-step wizard-based GUI, it can convert one database to the other just 3 steps, everyone can use it so easy.
- HIGH-SPEED. According to thousands of tests, ESF Database Convert average speed is the fastest one!
- COMPREHENSIVE. Supporting table LOB(large objects), Primary Keys, Indexes, Foreign Keys, Default Value and Autoincrement(Auto-ID) etc.
- FLEXIBLY. You can change table/field name, datatype, length, default value and etc, or filte data in converting.
- WORLDWIDE. Supports UNICODE, converts all of the world's languages characters. (UTF8, LATIN, CP1250, ASCII and so on);
Язык интерфейса: английский
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