Vuze + Portable

Vuze - это популярная утилита для работы в Peer 2 Peer сети BitTorrent со значительно более обширным ассортиментом функций, чем фирменный клиент сети. По большому счету, все богатство функционала сосредоточено в более продвинутом подходе к управлению закачками, чему способствует симпатичный и удобный интерфейс. Немаловажным достоинством является наличие функций трекера с возможностью поиска torrent-файлов. Стоит упомянуть поддержку плагинов, которые можно найти на официальном сайте.

Возможности программы:
- Шифрование протокола;
- Поддерживает анонимный обмен данными по протоколам I2P, Tor и Nodezilla;
- Технологии peer exchange и распределённые хеш-таблицы (DHT) снижают зависимость клиента от трекера;
- Поддержка технологий UPnP, NAT Port Mapping Protocol и NAT traversal обеспечивает лучшую работу в локальных сетях;
- Поддержка uTP;
- Возможность раздачи в режиме super-seeding, благоприятствующем скорейшему появлению новых раздатчиков;
- Технология web seeding;
- Поддержка ссылок на P2P-контент, так называемых magnet links (в том числе bc://);
- Возможность работы через прокси-сервер;
- Поддержка IPv6;
- Поддержка Юникода;
- Воспроизведение потокового видео.

ОС: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.
Что нового в этой версии:
- FEATURE: UI | Added menu option to notification area to dismiss all notifications [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Added download name to sidebar tooltip as may be truncated in sidebar view [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Added some image types to the 'quick view' feature [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Manual update option for DHT tracker [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Added current IP to transfer stats view [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Support the assignment of colours to manual tags [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Menu option to select folder contents in open torrent options dialog [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Added Option to use a single open torrent options dialog for multiple torrents [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Torrent options dialog now supports file priorities [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Automatic setting of decreasing file priorities within a torrent (based on selection order) [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Added session up/down stats to library views [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Option to edit trackers when adding a download [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Added 'open torrent' option to tray icon [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Option to add peer(s) from peers view [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Multi-select files in the open torrent options dialog and move them to a folder in one operation [Parg]
- FEATURE: Core | Support Per-download and per-file alerts [Parg]
- FEATURE: Core | Some interesting config parameters (port numbers for example) are now exported into a readable file in the config dir [Parg]
- FEATURE: Core | Auto-tagging based on torrent tracker hosts [Parg]
- FEATURE: Core | Support tags on devices [Parg]
- FEATURE: Core | Support never-transcode as option for device auto-transcoding [Parg]
- FEATURE: Core | Added an 'Untagged' tag to represent downloads with no manual tag assigned [Parg]
- FEATURE: Core | Added script actions as options for downloading/seeding complete events [Parg]
- FEATURE: Core | Added ability to set a download's tags in the open torrent options dialog [Parg]
- FEATURE: Core | Option to set a tag's initial save location [Parg]
- FEATURE: Core | Per-tag target share ratio [Parg]
- CHANGE: UI | XML torrent import function was lost in the Vuze UI at some point - brought it back [Parg]
- CHANGE: UI | Added download size to archived download display in console UI [Parg]
- CHANGE: UI | Support maximising of torrent options window [Parg]
- CHANGE: UI | Brazilian Portuguese translation update [Havokdan]
- CHANGE: UI | Basque translation update [Azpidatziak]
- CHANGE: UI | Spanish translation update [Valtiel]
- CHANGE: UI | Brought back the select all/mark/unmark buttons to open torrent options dialog [Parg]
- CHANGE: UI | Brought back ability to set top level folder name for multi-file torrents [Parg]
- CHANGE: UI | Non-simple torrents with a singel file were displaying inconsistently [Parg]
- CHANGE: UI | Handle double-click actions in files view correctly [Parg]
- CHANGE: UI | Sidebar download details order no maintained over restart [Parg]
- CHANGE: UI | Scale minibar fixed widget widths to accommodate font changes [Parg]
- CHANGE: Plug | Report removed downloads for a while in xmwebui in case there are multiple active clients [Parg]
- CHANGE: Plug | Ignore any socks proxy when using loopback connection to analyse content [Parg]
- CHANGE: Core | Disabled metadata exchange for private torrents [Parg]
- CHANGE: Core | Improved performance of JSON encoding [Parg]
- CHANGE: Core | Prefer UTF-8 over system encoding for torrents if it seems to be as good [Parg]
- CHANGE: Core | Support more date formats when parsing search results [Parg]
- BUGFIX: UI | Persist column add/remove via header menu [Parg]
- BUGFIX: UI | Table structure change was losing a tag listener and subsequently failing to update correctly [Parg]
- BUGFIX: UI | Multiple concurrent torrent additions causing duplicate dialogs [Parg]
- BUGFIX: UI | Unloading a plugin was causing a second plugins images to be disposed [Parg]
- BUGFIX: UI | Search bar was truncating long URIs [Parg]
- BUGFIX: Plug | Magnet plugin wasn't handling URIs with 'xt' sections properly [Parg]
- BUGFIX: Core | Removed blocking call to get public IP address from initialization path [Parg]
- BUGFIX: Core | Downloads were being auto-stored in the wrong location [Parg]
- BUGFIX: Core | Respect 'do not activate UI' on download addition again [Parg]
- BUGFIX: Core | Fixed end-game-mode looping bug [Parg]
- BUGFIX: Core | Lots of minor fixes detected by Coverity static code analysis tool [Parg]
- BUGFIX: Core | Improved performance of timer event handling [Parg]
- BUGFIX: Core | Fixed 'upload only' message support [Parg]
- BUGFIX: Core | Prevent a hanging UPnP device from blocking caller [Parg]
- BUGFIX: Core | Handle separators other than '-' when parsing port ranges [Parg]
- BUGFIX: Core | Remove unnecessary retry on downloads that will most likely fail identically [Parg]
- BUGFIX: Core | Alert audio files weren't playing when contained in folders with certain characters in name [Parg]
- BUGFIX: Core | Improved robustness of magnet URI handling [Parg]
Внимание! Приложение включает в себя дополнительное программное обеспечение, будьте внимательны при установке.
Скачать программу Vuze x86 (8,44 МБ):
Скачать программу Vuze x64 (8,35 МБ):
Скачать портативную версию Vuze (8,67 МБ):